Code of Conduct

Code4PA will host events about working, as a group, to empower ourselves and others to improve our local community through technology. Code4PA is committed to providing a safe and welcoming space, without regard to age, gender, race, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, mental or physical disability, physical appearance, religion, level of knowledge, level of experience, parental status, marital status, socioeconomic status or background, political affiliation, or any other attribute. The organizers of Code4PA share the responsibility of enforcing these policies as necessary to maintain an open and welcoming environment.


As the organizers of Code4PA, we believe that the below principles are essential to maintaining this environment. In addition, we believe that they are good principles for life in general.


This code of conduct serves to ensure that everybody and anybody who wishes to participate is able to do so, and applies to all Code4PA events, from codeathons to happy hours. Further, it applies to online activities related to Code4PA, including postings on GitHub, Slack, and Google Groups.


Do Not Harass

Harassment is any unwelcome or hostile behavior towards another person for any reason. This includes, but is not limited to, offensive verbal comments related to personal characteristics or choices, sexual images or comments, deliberate intimidation, bullying, stalking, following, harassing photography or recording, sustained disruption of discussion or events, nonconsensual publication of private comments, inappropriate physical contact, or unwelcome sexual attention. Conduct need not be intentional to be harassment.


Code4PA will not tolerate such behavior.

Respect the Opinions and Abilities of Others

Code4PA is designed as a place for people all of different skill levels and approaches to meet and work together toward common goals. As a result, we do not expect that everybody will share the same opinion. However, we do expect that disagreement is done respectfully.


Additionally, we expect that members will educate others respectfully. To this end, do not assume anybody else’s level of expertise or knowledge. Do not belittle a lack of information, or insist on unnecessary precision. We are all learning, so afford others—as well as yourself—room to grow.


While this document exists primarily to prevent certain bad behavior, we also believe that our community members should work towards a higher standard. To that end, we strongly encourage the following conduct, though they are considered aspirational rather than necessary.

Build With, Not For

Work to ensure that the team is well-represented in all stages of development. Seek out those who are under-represented, and remove barriers to access. Listen as much—or more—than you speak, and give full consideration to all ideas, even if they seem improbable at first.

Empower, Experiment, and Find a Way for Everybody to Contribute

When more people share their knowledge and skills, they give a project a greater chance to succeed. When somebody shows up with an unusual skill, look for ways to fit them into the team rather than reasons why it wouldn’t work. Experiment with new approaches, and don’t be afraid to try something that might not work.

Making a Report

If you are unable to resolve the issue, or are uncomfortable doing so, you should contact a event coordinator, either in person or electronically. Event coordinators agree to keep information shared in association with a Code of Conduct violation private, and may reveal it only with the approval of the affected person(s).